Your practice is a business….

Yup! It’s true - and I know that you weren’t taught this in grad school because, guess what? - I wasn’t either.

When I started thinking of my practice as more than just time spent with clients offering clinical services, my client base grew, my income grew and so did the rewards!

I felt more gratified, and then I find myself doing better clinical work - I wasn’t worried about how I was going to get new clients, or pay the rent, or chase a client for payment.

Create the practice of your dreams!

Are you a therapist in private practice who:

  • Has not yet reached your income goals?

  • Needs clients fast?

  • Feels isolated, alone or burned out?

  • Struggles with systems including client intake paperwork, client payment, or scheduling?

  • Has a hard time sticking to boundaries?

  • Feels undervalued, under appreciated or overworked?

  • Does NOT think of your practice as a business?

I get it! I’ve been there. And then I realized that my practice is a BUSINESS and I began taking the right action steps toward the practice of my dreams. The coaching and consulting programs we offer can help:

  • Elevate your income immediately

  • Create “set and forget it” systems that streamline your processes and reduce time spent

  • Shift your mindset from overwhelmed or hopeless to grateful and growing

  • Reduce isolation, worry, fear and that dreaded burned out feeling

1:1 Coaching for therapists and practice owners


30-60 minutes of private one-on-one consultation and coaching with Danna Markson, LCSW so that you can become crystal clear on ANY of the following and ELEVATE your private practice starting right now!:

How to:

  • Understand the practice of your dreams and GET IT!!

  • Create a business plan or mission statement

  • Devise seamless intake system AND ensure clients complete all forms

  • Understand options for electronic health records, electronic forms, charting - go paperless!

  • Create set and forget it systems for marketing, administrative AND clinical work!

  • Attract your IDEAL clients into your practice

  • Delegate tasks that you don’t like or don’t want to do anymore