Stop spinning in circles…

Do you find that you or your child struggle with any of the following:

  • Organizational skills

  • Distractibility

  • Procrastination and avoidance

  • Starting projects

  • Following tasks through to completion

  • Low motivation for tasks that are not interesting or rewarding

  • “Shiny object syndrome” - easily pulled away from tasks toward more interesting pursuits

  • Feeling “less than” or incapable in relation to others

  • Blurting out or interrupting

  • Sitting still or restlessness? Excessive or low energy?

  • Mind-wandering

  • Waiting your turn

Coaching can help!!

In Coaching for Executive Functioning, you and your child and COACH work together to identify habit patterns that are moving you AWAY from your goals.

Collaborative coaching sets you up for success by:

  • Establishing realistic ways to shift behavior that you can actually achieve

  • Outlining strategies for overcoming old habits by using reinforcements and supports in your family and work systems (you won’t be able to go it alone :)

  • Understanding that change happens one step at a time - overcommitting will create frustration and potential shut down

  • Helping you take BABY STEPS toward the goal

  • Taking into account your mental and social batteries and making sure you have enough time to relax and recharge before taking on challenging tasks

  • Looking at you as a WHOLE PERSON who needs to be considered unique.

  • Considering failures or setbacks as part of the process in creating a healthy, viable plan for success.

Coaching is an investment in your PRESENT and FUTURE!

  • Get on and stay on the path toward goal achievement now

  • Create “set and forget it” systems that streamline your processes and reduce time spent

  • Shift your mindset from overwhelmed or hopeless to grateful and growing

  • Reduce isolation, worry, fear and that dreaded burned out feeling

  • Watch yourself or your child DEVELOP and sustain growth

1:1 Coaching


30-60 minutes of private one-on-one consultation and coaching with Danna Markson, LCSW so that you can become crystal clear on the strategies and skills you need for success right now