DBT Skills Course for In-Person & Online Therapy


Coping Skills Tool Belt Workshops

FREE workshops for mental health professionals to help you reduce anxiety and stress and avoid burnout.

If you are interested in participating in this workshop series, email - success@rockstarpractice.com and you will be added to the list for ongoing weekly workshops and links to register.

Starting January 28, 2021, if you have registered for a workshop, you will receive an emailed link to the workshop replay if you cannot attend.




Episode 1

January 14, 2021

Manifesting your IDEAL 2021


Episode 2

January 21, 2021

DBT Skills for Emotion Regulation


Brainspotting: Techniques you can self-administer to reduce your trauma response...

Brainspotting (BSP) is a type of therapy which locates points in the client’s visual field that help to access unprocessed trauma in the subcortical brain. A Brainspot is defined by the activity in the brain in response to focus and eye position. Trauma overwhelms the brain’s processing leaving pieces of the unprocessed experiences frozen in time and space. This workshop offers Brainspotting techniques you can self-administer.


EMDR Resourcing

EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing - uses eye movements, hand tapping, and/or bi-lateral audio stimulation to unblock emotional processes that lay dormant due to distress. As the brain is neuroplastic, you can reprogram it to begin to heal from the fear and pain associated with emotional distress. The Resourcing phase of EMDR scaffolds emotional supports in preparation for the trauma reprocessing.


Using Self-Reiki & Qigong to Reduce Anxiety and Instill Calm

Reiki is a meditative practice that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety, and promotes a positive mental state through gentle touch. Reiki self-treatment is a way to benefit from therapy without a practitioner as it teaches you to activate the energy within yourself. Qigong is a centuries-old series of body-postures and movement, breathing, and meditation used for the purposes of health and spiritual connection. All of these tools not only aide in relaxation, but open us up to our more creative selves.


The Anti-Anxiety Toolkit: Self-Hypnosis and Other Techniques to Stay Sane in a Crazy World

In this workshop you will learn rapid ways to get out of anxiety and unwanted stress. Pulling from Integrative Hypnosis, NLP, Poly-Vagal theory and neuroscience, Melissa will show you how to go beyond stress management and into self-directed neuroplasticity. Learning how to rewire habituated loops of stress can go a long way towards thriving through uncertainty.


Emotional Freedom Technique – Tapping the Mighty Mind

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) /Tapping are evidence-based mind-body techniques effective for simple stress management to severe trauma. It involves self-applied tapping on acupoints, which elicits a deep physical relaxation. Sometimes called acupressure for the emotions, EFT combines deep relaxation with a description of upsets for a somatic release that desensitizes upsets. EFT quiet cortisol (a stress hormone) and the amygdala. EFT/Tapping is an effective compassion fatigue or burnout strategy particularly during this challenging time.


Rubenfeld Synergy: Removing Energetic Blocks and Tapping in to your Body's Inner Resources

The Rubenfeld Synergy Method (RSM) is an integrative somatic therapy that accesses the wisdom of the body to heal trauma, promote wholeness and create inner harmony. By listening to the body using a combination of gentle touch, talk, imagery and movement; patterns of physical holding, energetic blocks and underlying emotional wounds are brought into awareness. You will learn about the origins of this body/mind approach and will be guided to listen to your body to tap inner resources that support greater ease and calm.


Breathing Your Way Into Calm

Breathing is the most accessible tool we have to calm our central nervous system and activate parasympathetic response. In this workshop, you will learn over 12 breathing exercises so that you can increase the flow of oxygen to your brain, stimulate parasympathetic response (even when in a heightened emotional state), take the focus off of worry, increase connection to your body, and promote CALM.


Gratitude and Loving-Kindness for A Mindful Life

This workshop will guide you in mindfulness exercises, focusing on gratitude and loving-kindness so that you can lead A Mindful Life. These tools, which we often know help us to live with more presence, ease, and happiness, often get pushed aside  Our time together will offer you a space to listen to yourself, observe, reflect, and be just as you are. Please have pen/paper on hand.


Using your Locus of Control to Manage Anxiety

Our locus of control has a direct impact on our anxiety and well-being, but most of us have no idea what it is or how it functions. This workshop will introduce you to the concept of locus of control and teach you strategies to use it to your advantage to become more empowered and effective in your professional and personal lives.


TF-CBT: Reducing Trauma Response Triggers

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) is a components-based psychosocial treatment model designed to resolve a broad array of emotional and behavioral challenges, which can arise when a child and their family have been impacted by trauma. It includes several evidence-based core treatment components, which can be provided in a flexible manner to address the unique individual needs. In this workshop, we will review the overall practice of TF-CBT as well as how to utilize individual components in our daily lives which can ultimately reduce our own trauma responses.